Presidenti Trump dhe keneta globaliste tashme ne


The readers, through this voluminous book, which is written thoughtfully and with commitment from the publicist and researcher Klajd Kapinova, can learn a lot of interesting things about the American contemporary culture, history and politics.

This diplomatic and fearless attitude also exists in the Republican patriot President Trump, who confronted the socialcommunist and Marxist anti-american forces since his first day as President in the White House, fought daily in Capitol Hill in Washington D.C, etc., hiden behind the democratic party label, the Fake News Press, Antifa, BLM, etc., during the four years of his shrewed, brilliant, far-sighted successful leadership.

Because of the visionary politics of President Trump, the USA achieved very high economic levels like no country in the the world, by recovering from which was left behind by the failed socialist administration of the presidency Obama-Biden 1 and 2.

These are very important positive aspects of the successes of President Trump that the author has presented through the pages of his book to our Albanian-American community. The author assembled his writings based on true historical sources, facts and different witnesses.

During 2019-2020, none of the democratic leaders, senators, congressman, governors, and Mayors with other official functionaries of the American Democratic Party, never criticized the violent protests, the burning of the American flag, the burning of the businesses of the Americans, Black, White, Hispanic etc., the demolition of historical monuments, where many policeman were killed and injured – in many states across the country by the violent radical Marxist protesters.

 ‘The Navarro Report’ evaluates the justice and the integrity of the presidential elections of 2020, in the main six states of the presidential fight, where the globalist “democrat” candidate Joe Biden has a “FALSE” lead due to the voting manipulation; While the results keep on being contested aggressively, the factual evidence which has come to light continuously leaving the American public horrified over the theft and the destruction of our election integrity.

Voter theft and manipulation in the presidential elections, for the American senators and congressmen, was the next historical shameful act which was cleverly organized by the democratic party along with the huge left conglomerate-media globalist propaganda Fake News and Big Tech, which declared as winners in the election of November 3rd 2020, by the switching 80 million votes to Biden, who as a retired man did not even have the popular support, as President Trump, who was able to get 75 million authentic votes.

In many places, cities and traditionally conservative / republican areas, its results after verification of their votes the count showed 100% for Joe Biden, at a time when the population of these republican areas have been the most successful financial donors of the electoral campaign of the republican candidate, President Donald J.Trump.

Another important aspect of the new book, is the topic of Jews in the Albanian ethnic lands and their progress nowadays.

The Jewish and Albanian people, have always had a very good relationship even-though the Illyrian-Arber-Albanian, the belief islam-ottoman has the greatest percentage of population.

The early presence of Jewish settlements in Kosovo mainly in the territory of Novoberd is shown in the ottoman registers of 1489-1499, where it is recorded that there were six Jewish housings.

As a result of good relations, Kosovo and Israel established diplomatic relations. The credit for this historic event goes to the 45th President of the United States, Republican Donald J. Trump.

On September 4, 2020 at the White House, Kosovo and Serbia, thankfully, signed an agreement on economic normalization between them in the presence of US President Donald J. Trump.

Part of the understanding was the agreement of Israel for the recognition of Kosovo and the establishment of diplomatic relations, which makes Israel the 117th state to recognize the Republic of Kosovo.

The historic document, which was signed separately which envisions that Kosovo open its Embassy in Jerusalem, while Serbia move its Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on March 14, 2021.

Yet on the flip side, the mother country Albania is presented differently, in relation with the dealings with the state of Israel, since there was constant traditional anti-Semitism of the communist and “democratic” governments of Albania in 1949-2020, at the UN Headquarters in New York.

Researcher Klajd Kapinova in his analysis for this book writes: The vote at the UN and the position of neo-communist Albania in favor of the absurd Resolution, which opposes the U.S., is another shamefull action of the anti-American administration of Edvin Kristaq Rama, just as his spiritual father once did the anti-American and anti-Israeli dictator Enver Hoxha.

Today, more than ever, the ethnic Albanian lands, as the author of the new book says, must look after their national interests, as President Trump says: America First, which should be a very good model for us as: Albania First and Dardania First.

Fortunately so far the Trump administration, thanks to a dedicated work, managed to make the electoral platform of the patriotic Republicans a reality, under the successful motto: America First.

The book deals extensively with facts of sensitive topics such as George Floyd whether he is a hero or something else, the marxist movements BLM, Antifa, etc., as we we read with pleasure the rich biography of the conservative analyst, Inteligent and courageous African American girl Candace Owens.

Of interest is also the realistic description of the famous African-American basketball player LeBron James, who, to everyone’s surprise, lives in the area of ​​privileged white people, in a house of over 100 million dollars and he speaks and writes with hypocrisy against the white cop, who as a hero saved the life of an African-American teenager, who was threatened to death (with a knife) by an African-American girl.

The Albanian-American author Klajd Kapinova, experienced as a contemporary journalist and analyst, has written and published several books and thousands of articles on various topics in many newspapers, magazines and websites inside and outside the homeland and here in the US. (Tome Mrijaj, New York, 2021)


Presidenti Trump dhe këneta globaliste (Albanian Edition)